1. Both abstract and extended abstract should be submitted without any author information for the evaluation process.
  2. Submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process.
  3. Authors’ names, affiliations, funding information, and any conflicts of interest should be included in the cover page.
  4. Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference abstract booklet and deposited in the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon digital repository. The extended abstract will only be used for the peer evaluation process.
  5. Additionally, subject to the approval of IUPAC, commended abstracts may be published as full papers in Pure and Applied Chemistry Journal; as well as in the International Journal of Environmental Issues, after they are expanded to a manuscript followed by extensive reviewing.
  6. At least one author of each abstract should register for the conference.
  7. The language of the conference will be English.


Adhere to the following guidelines in compiling the cover page:

  1. Title of the abstract: Times New Roman, boldface, 14-point font size, upper case (capital) letters
  2. Page margins: 3.0 cm for left margin and 2.5 cm for all other margins
  3. Names of authors: Times New Roman, 12-point font size, upper case letters
  4. Author affiliations: Times New Roman, 12-point font size, italics
  5. The institute’s address where the work has been carried out should be clearly stated. In case the work has been carried out in several institutes / Departments, the addresses should be numbered using a superscript at the end of each author’s name.
  6. The title, authors’ names, and their affiliations (addresses) should be centered.
  7. Keep a single line spacing between the title and names of authors, and between the names of authors and their affiliations.
  8. Acknowledgments: Should be limited to funding source/s and should be stated in one sentence.


Adhere to the following guidelines in compiling the abstract:

  1. Title of the abstract: Times New Roman, boldface, 14-point font size, upper case (capital) letters
  2. Page margins: 3.0 cm for left margin and 2.5 cm for all other margins
  3. Keep two-line spacing before typing the Abstract.
  4. The abstract should be presented in Times New Roman, 12-point regular font size with single line spacing.
  5. Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, brief statement of procedure, results, and conclusions.
  6. Abstracts should be a single paragraph with a maximum of 250 – 300 words. Specific abbreviations should be defined; equations should be included only if necessary; and four keywords must be provided.


Adhere to the following guidelines in compiling the extended abstract:

  1. The extended abstract should be between 1000-1500 words. Additionally, a maximum of three tables and figures altogether can be included.
  2. Paper size:  A4
  3. Margins: 2.5 cm margins, top/bottom/left/right margins
  4. Font: Times New Roman
  5. Font size: 12
  6. Line spacing: Single
  7. Number of pages: 2-3
  8. Page numbering: Bottom right
  9.  The text should be organized under the following subheadings:
        1. Title  
        2. Introduction – (with objectives)
        3. Materials and Methods
        4. Results & Discussion
        5. Conclusion/s – (with outcomes)
        6. Figures and Tables, if any, should be very clear and should be included within the given page limit.
        7. References (3 -5 references are allowed, and citations should follow ACS style guidelines).